Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more.

Apply as an Investor

An individual can invest anything from £10,000 up to £100,000 under SEIS or from £10,000 up to £2 million under EIS in our new fund. You can invest in the Fund direct or through a financial adviser or intermediary. However, we do always recommend that you seek independent financial advice before investing.

Investors in the Jenson SEIS and EIS Funds will benefit from the following competitive advantages:


  • High growth deal flow will come from Jenson’s existing relationships with professional advisers, business angels and professional investors
  • Extensive network of contacts, executives and non-executive directors
  • Early stage high growth companies provide an attractive business area that is currently poorly served by mainstream venture capital
  • The Fund will focus on businesses already achieving revenues or close to revenues and are now looking to develop the business on the back of early traction in their market
  • Additional financial and operational support to investee companies can help them grow and develop more effectively

The key features of the SEIS/EIS Investment Scheme are as follows:


  • Tax reliefs can be claimed in the prior tax year as well as the existing tax year
  • There are restrictions on connected investors involved with the relevant company
  • There are restrictions if the relevant company is under the control of another company
  • The definition of shares subscribed includes the relaxation of certain preferential rights
  • Tax reliefs may only be given when the relevant company has traded for at least 4 months

Investment risks & disclaimers


Jenson Funding Partners LLP, nor Jenson Solutions nor any associated companies provide specific individual advice on the suitability of investment with regard to a potential investor’s individual circumstances, risk tolerance or investment objectives.


It is the responsibility of investors to satisfy themselves that any investments made are suitable for them.


Participation in the Jenson SEIS and EIS Funds is limited to persons who are classified as elective professional investors in accordance with rule 3.5.3 R (1) of the FCA’s Conduct of Business Sourcebook by virtue of their having the expertise, experience and knowledge to make their own investment decision and to understand the risks involved in relation to the Jenson Seed EIS Funds. If you are in any doubt, you should not invest in the Jenson SEIS and EIS Funds without having first taken personal financial advice as to its appropriateness and suitability for you as an investment from your stockbroker, independent financial advisor (IFA), bank manager, solicitor or other person authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Our products are only offered to selected individuals and are not suitable for everyone. Past Performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Tax relief depends on an individuals circumstances and is liable to change.

Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong.

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Jenson Funding Partners LLP is registered in England and Wales OC375306. Jenson Funding Partners LLP is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 820516.

Registered Office: 2 Maple Court, Davenport Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 1JE.